Corporate Client Alerts

We have all experienced significant changes in our daily lives as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Implementation of social distancing and self-isolation has changed many businesses' day-to-day activities as well. read more

As if businesses did not already have enough to address with the COVID-19 pandemic and compliance with the California Consumer Privacy Act (the "CCPA"), businesses need to consider the California Privacy Rights Act (the "CPRA"), which will almost certainly be on the November ballot. Structured as an amendment to the CCPA and also known as "CCPA 2.0", the CPRA ballot initiative was spawned by Alastair Mactaggart. read more

Does your company handle personal data in the course of its business operations? In today's world, the answer is most likely yes. Nevertheless, many companies (particularly small to mid-sized), though aware of their compliance obligations under specific data protection laws, have put off implementing a comprehensive privacy and security program, often due to budgetary concerns or lack of resources. read more

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